@InProceedings{read13, author = {Andrew Read}, title = {Optimizing memory access design for a 32 bit {FORTH} processor}, crossref = {euroforth13}, pages = {5--23}, url = {http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/anton/euroforth/ef13/papers/read.pdf}, OPTnote = {refereed}, abstract = {This paper compares and contrasts two alternative approaches to designing system memory access for a 32 bit FORTH processor. One approach maximizes clock speed whilst the other maximizes instruction throughput. Each approach is found to have advantages and disadvantages. The project's conclusion is that a hybrid memory access design that considers the diering needs of the CPU control unit and datapath is likely to be the optimum performance strategy for a FORTH machine.} } @InProceedings{nelson13, author = {Nick J. Nelson}, title = {Forth Query Language ({FQL}) --- Implementation and Experience}, crossref = {euroforth13}, pages = {24--29}, url = {http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/anton/euroforth/ef13/papers/nelson.pdf}, OPTnote = {not refereed}, abstract = {We will demonstrate how a hard problem in SQL becomes easy when combining SQL and Forth using FQL --- ``Forth Query Language''.} } @InProceedings{ertl13-paf, author = {M. Anton Ertl}, title = {{PAF}: A Portable Assembly Language}, crossref = {euroforth13}, pages = {30--38}, url = {http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/anton/euroforth/ef13/papers/ertl-paf.pdf}, OPTnote = {not refereed}, abstract = {A portable assembly language provides access to machine-level features like memory addresses, machine words, code addresses, and modulo arithmetics, like assembly language, but abstracts away differences between architectures like the assembly language syntax, instruction encoding, register set size, and addressing modes. Forth already satisfies a number of the characteristics of a portable assembly language, and is therefore a good basis. This paper presents PAF, a portable assembly language based on Forth, and specifically discusses language features that other portable assembly languages do not have, and their benefits; it also discusses the differences from Forth. The main innovations of PAF are: tags indicate the control flow for indirect branches and calls; and PAF has two kinds of calls and definitions: the ABI ones follow the platform's calling convention and are useful for interfacing to the outside world, while the PAF ones allow tail-call elimination and are useful for implementing general control structures.} } @InProceedings{ertl13-strings, author = {M. Anton Ertl}, title = {Standardize Strings Now!}, crossref = {euroforth13}, pages = {39--43}, url = {http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/anton/euroforth/ef13/papers/ertl-strings.pdf}, OPTnote = {not refereed}, abstract = {This paper looks at the issues in string words: what operations may be required, various design options, and why this has lead to the current state of standardization of string operations that is insufficient in the eyes of many.} } @InProceedings{baranov13, author = {Sergey Baranov}, title = {Forth in Russia}, crossref = {euroforth13}, pages = {44--50}, url = {http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/anton/euroforth/ef13/papers/baranov.pdf}, OPTnote = {not refereed} } @InProceedings{stricker13, author = {Willi Stricker}, title = {Forth Floating Point Word-Set without Floating Point Stack}, crossref = {euroforth13}, pages = {51--57}, url = {http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/anton/euroforth/ef13/papers/stricker.pdf}, OPTnote = {not refereed} } @InProceedings{hoffmann13, author = {Ulrich Hoffmann}, title = {Forth Literate Programming with IPython notebook}, crossref = {euroforth13}, pages = {58--61}, url = {http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/anton/euroforth/ef13/papers/hoffmann.pdf}, OPTnote = {Presentation slides} } @InProceedings{wodni13, author = {Gerald Wodni}, title = {Forth to .NET Bridge}, crossref = {euroforth13}, pages = {62--64}, url = {http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/anton/euroforth/ef13/papers/wodni.pdf}, OPTnote = {Presentation slides} } @InProceedings{ertl13-regions, author = {M. Anton Ertl}, title = {Region-Based Memory Allocation}, crossref = {euroforth13}, pages = {65--67}, url = {http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/anton/euroforth/ef13/papers/ertl-regions.pdf}, OPTnote = {Presentation slides} } @InProceedings{paysan13, author = {Bernd Paysan}, title = {net2o: Application Layer --- Browser Components}, crossref = {euroforth13}, pages = {68--70}, url1 = {http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/anton/euroforth/ef13/papers/paysan.pdf}, url2 = {http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/anton/euroforth/ef13/papers/paysan-ho.pdf}, OPTnote = {Presentation slides} } @Proceedings{euroforth13, title = {29th EuroForth Conference}, booktitle = {29th EuroForth Conference}, year = {2013}, key = {EuroForth'13}, url = {http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/anton/euroforth/ef13/papers/proceedings.pdf} }